Colin Jost Fooled by Hilarious Scarlett Johansson Prank on SNL’s Weekend Update

In a memorable and side-splitting moment on “Saturday Night Live,” Colin Jost found himself the unsuspecting victim of a hilarious prank involving his wife, Scarlett Johansson, during the iconic Weekend Update segment.

Colin Jost on Saturday Night Live and Scarlett Johansson

It all started like any other episode, with Jost and his co-anchor Michael Che delivering their usual witty commentary on current events. The chemistry between the two anchors is always a highlight, but this time, Che had an ace up his sleeve that would leave both the audience and Jost in stitches.

As the segment progressed, Che nonchalantly mentioned a fabricated news story involving Scarlett Johansson, adding a layer of authenticity that made it even more believable. Jost, ever the professional, initially playedaong, his face a perfect blend of curiosity and skepticism.

Colin Jost Tells Cringe Scarlett Johansson Joke on 'Weekend Update' - Men's  Journal

Che, knowing just how to push Jost’s buttons, continued to embellish the story with outrageous and humorous details. The audience roared with laughter as Jost’s expressions transitioned from confusion to amusement, and finally, to the realization that he was the butt of an elaborate and well-executed joke.

The punchline came when Che revealed the prank, and Jost, unable to contain his laughter, admitted defeat. The good-natured exchange highlighted not only the strong camaraderie between the two comedians but also Jost’s ability to laugh at himself, even when the joke hits close to home.

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Scarlett Johansson, who is no stranger to the SNL stage herself, was likely in on the prank, adding another layer of charm to the whole situation. Her involvement, though indirect, made the joke even more special, showcasing the couple’s playful relationship and sense of humor.

This particular Weekend Update segment quickly went viral, with fans and viewers praising the cleverness of the prank and the genuine reactions from Jost. It became a talking point on social media, with many expressing their delight at seeing such authentic and humorous moments on live television.

Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost at the screening of "Asteroid City"

In the end, the prank was a testament to the enduring appeal of “Saturday Night Live” and its ability to deliver not just sharp satire and commentary but also heartwarming and hilarious moments that resonate with viewers. Colin Jost’s good-natured response and the undeniable chemistry between him and Michael Che once again proved why Weekend Update remains a beloved fixture of the show.

As fans eagerly await the next episode, one thing is certain: Jost will be keeping a closer eye on Che’s stories, and we’ll all be ready to laugh along with whatever comes next.

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